Friday, November 12, 2010

Sleep, Ash's and Feelings

Well, I did not oversleep this morning! That's a good thing.

Yesterday morning was a record for me, I got up at leave for work
at 5:30? Well it seems it can be done.

Where does the busy-ness come from?

Let me explain. It seems like I found a shop and a helpful letting agent!
If all goes well, I think I will be resigning 1 December, to open shop in
February 2011.

There is 101 things to do still, but I believe with the power of the Lord
above all will work out just fine!

I'm still nervous and scared, but that is something I must get used to, ja?

I miss my far-away friend! :( He is very busy and a bit preoccupied, but I
do understand that he is also tired and running a company is not a piece of
cake. I'm inviting him to dinner tonight, and hopefully he can relax and
get away from it all for a while.....

I'm off to work!

PS: Alles gaan uitwerk! Want ons het 'n goeie God!!!

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