Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fears and hang-up's

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while.

We all have them! We all wish we could find a way to avoid them! In general
we just don't want them...

But - Reality Check? Here we are! And it is with us...

I need a whole week to tell you about mine. Since I have the time now I can
just as well scribble down a few, so here goes.

Fears 101:
- Losing my family
- Losing my two dearest friends
- Unhappiness
- The 'Unknown'
- Change
- To not be loved
- To be alone
- Moths!
- Dentist
- etc etc etc

Hang-Up's 101 (or rather 1001)
- Not knowing how people feel
- To be kept in the dark
- Not to know how to fix someone
- Not to know how to fix some things
- Sniffing
- A Mess (of things or feelings)
- etc etc etc

Well these lists can go on for a very long time, but I would like not to
bore the people reading this, right?

Yes - Right!

I want to tell my dearest friends that without the fears and the hang-up's
we will be perfect, right? And how boring will life be if we were?

BUT we need to sometimes just close our eyes and take that step. Face that
moth! Go to the dentist, to fix that hole!

Believe me when I tell you this, because I must do it to.

God is good!
God bless you!

He will ensure that everything will work out just fine!


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