Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stan Hall said this...

Love is, by nature unconditional.

Love does not put another off balance, or cause another loss of identity,
or anything else that involves a fall.

Love is unconditionally supportive, life enhancing, uplifting and
limitless. If one is truly in love, one rises, expands and unifies!

Sjoe - I want this too!

Thought for today...

Sjoe, very true words!

Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16

That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are
being renewed every day.

- Our bodies may feel tired but our spirits can be renewed.
- Because of this we do not need to become discouraged.
- Let God come and renew your spirit today.
- When your spirit is renewed by God you have reason to live.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that You will come and renew my spirit right now. Amen

Monday, November 29, 2010


Dit voel asof ek in my kar kan klim, hom vol petrol kan gooi en net kan ry totdat ek weg is van alles en almal.

Dinge by die werk word net erger elke dag!  Die Baas hanteer my soos 'n flippen kind wat absoluut niks weet nie!  Die gemoed in my span is net plain moeilik en dit voel asof ek geen beheer het nie.  Ek is nou nie eintlik 'n control freak nie, maar hemel tog!  Kan ek asseblief net weer kontrole kry oor waar ek is en wat ek hier moet doen?  Dit voel vir my asof almal my dophou, stupid ne?  My mense baklei die hele dag, mense is ongelukkig en ek moet worstel met stilstuipe en mense wat net hul bedankings by die deur kom aflaai!  Dit is net stront van die more tot die aand!  Dan is daar die hele ding dat my baas my wil breek, wel soos wat ek vandag voel, gaan sy dit regkry!

Dan weet ek nie meer of ek my eie besigheid moet begin nie.  Dit is seker een van die dinge wat die moeilikste is om te besluit.  Dit breek my hart!  Ek wil so graag hier wegkom, maar wat doen ek as dinge net nie so gaan gebeur nie?  Mense bedank elke dag, regoor die wereld, om hul eie potjies te gaan krap, maar ek sit en worstel met al hierdie vrae wat om en om in my kop lol!  Ek moet hier wegkom!  Ek sal beslis nie ander werk kry nie, want my ouderdon tel mos teen my vir alles!  

Dan is daar my huis lewe - my familie en vriende lewe....  Dinge gaan ook nie so wonderlik op hierdie gebied nie.  My familie is wonderlik!  Ek kan nie vir beter vra nie, regtig!  Hulle staan saam my deur dik en dun.  Maar ongelukkig is daar 'n MAAR by betrokke!  Dit voel asof hulle my hele lewe wil reel en vir my sê wat ek wanneer moet doen. Dis asof hulle verwag ek moet alles net los waarmee ek besig is, om hul aandag te gee.  Ek is vreeslik baie lief vir hulle!  Ek is!

Ek het twee vriende.  Ek is vreeslik lief vir hulle altwee!  Dit is nie dat ek nie ander vriende het nie, maar hierdie twee is my beste!  Hulle albei is al deur soveel seer en hartseer in hul lewe.  Ek wens ek kon 'n beter vriend vir hulle wees!  Ek wens ek kon hulle meer help.  Ek kan nie meer hierdie stilswye hanteer nie, ek mis my vriend!  Ek wil hê alles moet vir hulle uitwerk.  Dat hulle bymekaar kan uitkom sodat hulle kan sien dat hulle mekaar gelukkig kan maak.  Dat hulle ook weer familie kan wees.  Hulle is lief vir mekaar, dit weet ek, maar hoekom is alles altyd so moeilik?

Here, asseblief help my?  Ek het U hulp nodig, asseblief?  Ek wil nie meer so voel soos wat ek vandag voel nie.  Ek wil weet waarheen ek gaan, ek wil so graag nie elke liewe dag in die moeilikheid wees by die werk nie.  Ek het asseblief U hulp nodig?  Groot asseblief, dat alles ok gaan wees?

Here, U is die begin en die einde.  U weet wat die plan is met ons lewe.  Kan ek asseblief vra dat U my sal help?  Help my asseblief dat ek die regte dinge doen en sê?  Dat ek nie alleen deur al hierdie dinge moet gaan nie?  Dat alles ok sal wees by die werk?  Here, ek kan nie bekostig dat hulle redes soek om ontslae te raak van my nie.  En dit net omdat ek my eie ding wil doen?  Ek het vir hulle al hierdie jare se harde werk gegee en ek wil nie soos 'n sleg hond hier weggejaag word nie?  Here bring asseblief my Familie veilig huis toe?  Here hulle is vir my alles!  Here help my asseblief om te sien dat hulle net alles wat mooi is vir my wil hê?  Here, beskerm, behoed en bewaar hulle asseblief?  

Here, praat asseblief met my vriend?  Here help hom deur hierdie moeilike tye?  Here help hom om homself te kan vergewe?  Here ek is baie lief vir hom, al sal ek seker nooit hom ontmoet nie.  Here beskerm, behoed en bewaar hom asseblief?  Here kan ek asseblief vra dat U sy hand sal vashou?  Here, help asseblief my vriendin?  Here ek weet dinge is vir haar net so moeilik.  Here sy het ook probleme en dinge wat sy moet besluit.  Here help haar asseblief ook om die regte keuses te maak?  Dat alles vir haar gaan ok wees?


PS:  Sorry vir hierdie verskriklike blog!  Ek wou dit maar net van my hart afkry.... Ek sal liewer nou ophou skryf, want ek sal seker vir nog ten minste drie dae kan aangaan oor alles binne my hart........

So ja...

I feel kind of sick this morning. Sore glands and ear ache....

Life is so short. That was the first thought that popped into my head as I
woke up this morning.

Why I feel like this, I don't know really.


We have an awesome God! He will hear my prayers, and help me!


I miss my far-away friend!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The day after...

I have a slight hangover this morning... Gulped down about four litres of

But the Jack was nice...

Now we sit with a very dirty house, and the smell of left over braai.

At least there's not that much damage! Except for my BFF breaking a

And today? We are maybe getting my tattoo and going to the movies - Harry

That's me for today...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What about a tattoo and sex?

If I'm dreaming about these two things, maybe I must get some of it?

Well I'm not into one night stands and sex with men I don't know. I've been
there, done that. Done that a long time ago, before I realized there are
consequences for having fun, hot casual sex!

But I can do something about the tattoo.. I'm scared, I don't like pain
(yes, I don't think pain is a kick)..

So maybe that is on my agenda for today?

The only problem is, that I have a huge blue bruise where I want my tattoo!

Now I must decide between hot and steamy, and, pain and a mark for life....

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ek wens ek kan alles fix...

Sorry for the afrikaans!

Wat as ek net meer kan doen? Dinge kan regmaak sodat almal om my gelukkig
kan wees? Sou nice gewees het!

My BFF sny nie meer nie, dis wonderlik! Sy praat ten minste met my, al
baklei ons deesdae soos kat en hond. Ons maak ten minste op. Ek dank die
Here vir haar! As ek op my analising spree gaan, dan sit sy maar rustig en
probeer die regte dinge doen en praat...

Ek wens ek kon my far-away vriend ook help. Miskien is ek dalk te veel in
sy spasie? Miskien wil hy my net nie ontmoet nie? Ek weet nie, maar hy sal
vir altyd 'n baie special plek in my hart he!

Here help my vriende asseblief? Maak asseblief dat hulle kan lief he? Dat
hul, hul self kan vergewe? Dat hul geluk kan he?


Christmas quotes!


Christmas lasts a day, Memories last forever!

In a child's eyes, all Christmas trees are 100 feet tall!

Boys can never have too many cars!

Girls will be Girls!

Remember the fun, remember tge giggles!

I can't wait!

Today is going to be a good day!

The Lord gave us this day!

Its like opening up Christmas presents on that special day!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Funny how I can break down my feelings today..

Its like in blocks! Here they are (they are not in order!)

I don't care actually. Its wrong, I know that! I decided to be the puppet
she wants! Its all about how I feel inside myself, right? I won't let them
get me down, I'm done with that.

All of them is on holiday! My Dad is somewhere in the Kruger National park,
my Mom, Oupa, C and J, is on their way to the sea...lucky! I will miss

I can't remember the last time I saw her this excited and happy! It makes
me feel happy!

Far-away friend:
O! This is making me very happpy! Because the far-away will be a few
thousand miles less, as from tomorrow, for a few days! I'm excited! And
looking forward to it!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Back to that place again today!

Lord, please give me the courage, strength and patience I need today? I
need to get out of there. I need to be happy earning a living again?

Thank you Lord for guarding my tongue yesterday! Please help me through


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday morning's blog was all about 'issues'! Depressing, ja?

Well this morning I'm excited, happy and looking forward to a few things!

My family is ok again! It took a lot of hard words and facts to tell them
that they must stop their crap! Hopefully they will get over all their hang
ups and move on. I believe the Lord above will help them with that!

My far-away friend is coming to SA!! This is something I've been looking
forward to for a long time! I can't wait to meet him! His daughter can't
contain herself, she is so excited!

I know Ash's will happen soon!

I've got a new phone, that is working properly, without hanging most of the

I've got an awesome God!

Today is going to be a good day!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Family and Friends

I have so much to be thankful for! We all do!

If I can start with my family...

My Mom and Sister is not talking to each other again! My Mom is trying her
best, my sister is giving her grief! Urgh! C is turning into this very
'hard' person! What should I do to explain to her that what she's doing is
so so wrong? I understand she went through a lot these past three years,
since her divorce, but why treat my Mom this way? If there is one person
that stood by her through all of this - its my Mom! My Mom is heartbroken!
My Sister is selfish (I think that is how I see it)

They are going on holiday on Thursday, and I pray that they will be safe.
Please Lord, keep them safe?

My BFF is sick, had to rush her to hospital last night! I got such a
fright! All I can say is: Thank God she is feeling a bit better this
morning. She is very important to me, and I hate seeing her sick!

I hope my far-away-friend had a good night's rest. He is very important and
special to me! Lord, please be with him every single moment?


Saturday, November 20, 2010


Its funny how you wake up from a dream, and just smile! It feels like the
whole world is just right, you know...

I've been dreaming a lot lately, maybe its my inner self wanting something
and my brain telling me to make my dreams come true?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hey, hey it's Friday!

Thank goodness the weekend is here! This has been a long week.

The weather is still gloomy! Rain clouds all over...

O wait! Urgh! I'm working tomorrow!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good news by Stephan Joubert

I translated this from Afrikaans, so please excuse me if there are some sentences that don't make sense!

I like Bruce Springsteen's music.  Also known as "The Boss".  He sings a song about working on a dream.  I agree with that.  Too many people with big dreams, do nothing to chase them or to try and realize them.  Somebody tells me the other day, that God showed him, that he will be a great musician someday.  So I ask.  "Can you play a musical instrument yet?"

He answers: "No, the Lord will surely give me the talent later"

"Wake up"  I said" Take responsibility for your dreams before the Lord and go learn how to play an instrument"

We must work hard for our dreams, otherwise we can just as well sleep with our eyes wide open.  And if that happens, I think you can call it a nightmare!

Bible verse for the day  :  Eph 4:7

Not much...

Jip, not much to blog about this morning!

Except ...

Ash's is postponed, so I need to wrap my mind around that. But I believe
that is part of God's plan. So, to wait is not fun at all, but I will do
just that...wait.

It is still overcast and smelling like rain - I hate driving in rain!

I'm looking forward to do some Christmas shopping, even tho my two best
friends don't like Christmas! They must expect gifts under the tree!

So - vatso katvis!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Shop

I got the shop at Oakfields! That is what I asked God and He answered my
prayers! Thank you Lord!

Then came the phone call from my Dad...

He went to the shop last night, because he is in Benoni for business.

And - BANG! Here I am all confused again! Urgh! Urgh!

I feel like crying!

Or wait - I did that already!

Now he told me that he doesn't think I will be able to do my theme
evenings, because there is no business there at night and that he wants me
to phone the agent to tell him I want a six months trail!

What must I do?

Lord please help me again?


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Just stopped at home after visiting my Dad in Harties! Its a HOT day over
there, a major 36 degrees!

There's a few clouds around so hopefully we are getting some rain...

Ash's is happening! I'm resigning 26 November!

THAT's even HOTTER! Hehehehe!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Body Cream

I bought new body cream and this is what it says on the bottle!

Its really good:

Apply everyday. Your skin will just lap it up.

In life you do not harm what you love and respect.

You nurture it, treat it gently and let it be.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thought of the day!

Your word for today: (Friday 12 November 2010)

Verse: James 1:17

Every GOOD gift and every PERFECT gift is from above!

- God has many good things in store for you.
- Can you think of things that God has done for you?
- We must be thankful for what God has done for us.
- At the same time we must expect much more!

DECLARATION: I declare that every good gift comes from my Heavenly Father
and He does not change like a shifting shadow. My Heavenly Father has good
things in store for me!

Sleep, Ash's and Feelings

Well, I did not oversleep this morning! That's a good thing.

Yesterday morning was a record for me, I got up at 5:10...to leave for work
at 5:30? Well it seems it can be done.

Where does the busy-ness come from?

Let me explain. It seems like I found a shop and a helpful letting agent!
If all goes well, I think I will be resigning 1 December, to open shop in
February 2011.

There is 101 things to do still, but I believe with the power of the Lord
above all will work out just fine!

I'm still nervous and scared, but that is something I must get used to, ja?

I miss my far-away friend! :( He is very busy and a bit preoccupied, but I
do understand that he is also tired and running a company is not a piece of
cake. I'm inviting him to dinner tonight, and hopefully he can relax and
get away from it all for a while.....

I'm off to work!

PS: Alles gaan uitwerk! Want ons het 'n goeie God!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thought for the Day

Verse: Psalm 27:14

Be of good courage, and He (The Lord) will strengthen your heart!

- Trust in the Lord.
- Have faith, do not despair.
- Be brave and courageous.
- And HE will strengthen your heart.

PRAYER: Lord, as I embrace this new day, help me to be strong and to take
heart. Thank You that You will come alongside me and strengthen my heart.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fears and hang-up's

I've been meaning to blog about this for a while.

We all have them! We all wish we could find a way to avoid them! In general
we just don't want them...

But - Reality Check? Here we are! And it is with us...

I need a whole week to tell you about mine. Since I have the time now I can
just as well scribble down a few, so here goes.

Fears 101:
- Losing my family
- Losing my two dearest friends
- Unhappiness
- The 'Unknown'
- Change
- To not be loved
- To be alone
- Moths!
- Dentist
- etc etc etc

Hang-Up's 101 (or rather 1001)
- Not knowing how people feel
- To be kept in the dark
- Not to know how to fix someone
- Not to know how to fix some things
- Sniffing
- A Mess (of things or feelings)
- etc etc etc

Well these lists can go on for a very long time, but I would like not to
bore the people reading this, right?

Yes - Right!

I want to tell my dearest friends that without the fears and the hang-up's
we will be perfect, right? And how boring will life be if we were?

BUT we need to sometimes just close our eyes and take that step. Face that
moth! Go to the dentist, to fix that hole!

Believe me when I tell you this, because I must do it to.

God is good!
God bless you!

He will ensure that everything will work out just fine!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

True words...

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.

Monday, November 8, 2010

So tired...

I'm really tired.

My far-away friend told me to do the positive thinking thing, and I'm going
to try that, as soon as I sleep for six hours!

The thing is, I have all these things running through my mind at the same
time. Not that, that is a bad thing!

Friday, November 5, 2010


We did some unintentional bookshop-location hunting today! I think I found
it! A good location, no coffeeshops and no bookshops in the area, busy
shopping center!

It was the first people we spoke to that was really helpful, as well!

Please Lord that this be it?

Some other 'better' stuff:
- it is pouring down with rain so it helps with the humidity!
- I bought two new books!
- my friend went proper food shopping today!
- and again (sorry have to say it) I think I found the Ash's location

Some 'un-better' stuff:
- My friends still did not talk to each other!

PS: I know un-better is not a word!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So, the last morning of our holiday. It would have been nice to stay a few
more days! It was hot, fun and relaxing. We did what we planned to do -

At least we don't have to drive for hours today...

The letting agent phoned to put a damper on my excitement. Jip, they don't
want Ash's in their shopping centre, so I really don't know what to do! Do
I look for another location? Where do I look for another location? So many
thoughts running through my mind, it's confusing.

I will not give up today - I made that decision!

I'm not the giving up type of person, I will follow my dream...or will I? I
don't know yet!

Its been days since I heard from my far-away-friend. I truly hope he is ok?
I won't pressure him in any way, because I think he needs time... My
prayers are with you D!
I miss you...

I'm off to pack the last things, shower and then hit the way home.

Maybe I will go look for a new location for Ash's?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ek hoop...

So, hy was nie reg om die stap te vat en te kom kuier nie. Maak dit my
bekommerd? Ja, dit doen nogal.

Ek dink dis seker maar net hoe ek aanmekaar gesit is. Ek gee om, ek doen.
Ek dink ook dat hy met die hulp van ons Hemelse Vader, deur al hierdie
dinge sal kan werk.

Ek hou nie daarvan dat hy dit nodig gesien het om vir ons te jok nie, maar
omdat ek so baie omgee, verstaan ek.

Die gebed in my hart vanoggend is dat hy ok sal wees, dat hy sal kans sien
om hierdie stap in sy lewe te neem om weer in SA te kom kuier. Dat die
spoke en die hartseer en kwaad is sy lewe iets van die verlede kan wees.
Dat hy kan gelukkig wees en weer kan kans sien om werklik te kan lewe, en
die mense om hom, kans te gee om te wys dat hul vergewe en vergeet.

Ek hoop en vertrou met al my hart, ek doen.

Sjoe, ek is a redelike pissie vanoggend en ek wil so graag beter voel, ek
wil! Ek is op vakansie, flip!

Here asseblief verhoor my gebede?