Sunday, October 31, 2010

First day of holiday...

Well what a day! O dear!

Got up this morning at 5am...with a lightness in my chest saying we are off
on holiday!

Then the mood continued, up to the point where we got to our destination -

The place we arrived at was a place you can use for basic training, yes,
when you want to do army training. Bad, real bad...

First of all there are rocks and stones! Lots of it! The log cabin that was
supposed to be the accommodation had two beds in, if you can call them
that? No stove! Jip, no stove. The swimming pool was a bigger shock - it
looked like a drinking hole for animals.

So what do we do? We paid for it, and of course it was hard earned money...

So we phone the owner, give him one big soppy story and ask for our money
back. Of course he tells us he can't do that. We lose R500, and leave!

To cut a verrryyy loooong story short:

We took the money we got back and eventually found a place about 50km

Our mini vacation turned into a two and a half day trip, but at least we
are in a decent place, with a proper pool and beds!

Thank you Lord that we are safe and that we can have this extra mini
vacation, Amen!

PS: everything will be ok! Amen!

PSS for D: don't you dare to cancel your trip here, we understand your
obligations, so we see this as a postponement, not a cancellation, ja?

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