Sunday, October 31, 2010

First day of holiday...

Well what a day! O dear!

Got up this morning at 5am...with a lightness in my chest saying we are off
on holiday!

Then the mood continued, up to the point where we got to our destination -

The place we arrived at was a place you can use for basic training, yes,
when you want to do army training. Bad, real bad...

First of all there are rocks and stones! Lots of it! The log cabin that was
supposed to be the accommodation had two beds in, if you can call them
that? No stove! Jip, no stove. The swimming pool was a bigger shock - it
looked like a drinking hole for animals.

So what do we do? We paid for it, and of course it was hard earned money...

So we phone the owner, give him one big soppy story and ask for our money
back. Of course he tells us he can't do that. We lose R500, and leave!

To cut a verrryyy loooong story short:

We took the money we got back and eventually found a place about 50km

Our mini vacation turned into a two and a half day trip, but at least we
are in a decent place, with a proper pool and beds!

Thank you Lord that we are safe and that we can have this extra mini
vacation, Amen!

PS: everything will be ok! Amen!

PSS for D: don't you dare to cancel your trip here, we understand your
obligations, so we see this as a postponement, not a cancellation, ja?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Random blog...

It's been one of those 'funny' weeks...

We are leaving for a small vacation tomorrow, and I must say, I'm really
looking forward to it. Wish we could make it longer.

I think I'm getting old! Why do I say that? I've never been to the doctor
so many times in my life before, that's why...What I am grateful for is
that it's not my heart going all haywire! Thank God for that!

Then there is some light at the end of a very long career. Hopefully I will
know about Ash's by Monday.. Please pray with me that this new venture of
mine is going to work out? That it is in God's plan?

I miss my far-away friend! His been in another country, and I miss our
chats and jokes! I do! :(

At least things are quiet and relaxed at home. Jayden is getting cuter by
the day, Mom is well, Oupa is well, Charnell is a bit grumpy and in one of
'those' moods - but I'm sure she will get over it soon!

We have Jayden's first school concert today! I'm very curious to see it,
and excited. Then I'm off to a wedding, now that is not something I'm
looking forward to, urgh, I can't remember the last time I saw these

Watch this space for news and photos of the vacation, ja? I will try to get
photos up - but I'm a bit technological impaired, hehehehe!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I think it's safe to say that it really
Rained for the first time, this summer!

It smells clean and fresh!

It's as if the rain washes away our doubts, isn't it?

I believe that I will get an answer before we go on holiday!

Please God? Can I pls get an answer?

Sleep tight!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Jip I was up and awake by 3am! Lovely! Have you got any idea how long my
day is gonna be?

I'm most propably going to fall asleep at my desk, at 11am...because by
then I've put in a whole day.

Well I'm done and ready to leave for work! Showered, makeup'd and hair

I think its the nervousness to hear the answer for Ash's, jip, that is it!
When will they let me know? Will they let me know? Can they pls let me

I will keep you posted, ja?

Monday, October 25, 2010


Its BFF will say, 5 more sleeps! Jip, then we are going on a
mini holiday. Wish we could stay longer, but, ja...

I really don't like going to weddings! I realized this again this weekend.
It is very boring affairs don't you think? The last wedding I really
enjoyed was my sister's and that was nearly 12 years ago. And to top it all
off, I've got to attend another one this weekend...urgh!

Things I'm looking forward to? A lo actually...

My far-away-friend is coming for a visit, can't wait to meet him! J is
coming home tonight! We are going on Holiday! And, if all goes well, I will
know about the shop today or tomorrow, or hopefully in this week...

I've got soooo much to be thankful for! Thank you God for that! Thank you
that I'm free to ask You for Your help! Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

For D & S

What you guys mean to me.....

Why God gave us friends

God knew that everyone needs
Companionship and cheer
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near

He knew they need someone kind
To lend a helping hand
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand

God knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way

Someone to be true to us
Whether near or far apart
Someone whose love we'll always
Hold and treasure in our hearts
That's why God gave us friends


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Beauty Secrets

For all the ladies...

1.             Cleanse your heart daily by forgiveness.

2.             Bath thoroughly in the WORD of God.

3.             Stay moisturized with  Prayer.

4.             Apply forgiveness to keep wrinkles away.

5.             Sprinkle yourself with love, it is the sweetest perfume.

6.             Dash on plenty of patience.

7.             Remember worrying  & anger can cause stress.

8.             Faith is the key to ageing gracefully and slow.


Vir my maaitjie...

Sorry for the Afrikaans!

Alles gaan uitwerk! As daar een ding is waarvan ek doodseker is, is dit,

Jy het 'n mooi toekoms wat voorle! Die Here wil he jy moet lewe vir vandag,
nie vir gister nie.

Jy het 'n man in jou lewe wat vreeslik baie lief is vir jou en ek dink dis
tyd dat jy hom die kans moet gee om vir jou die Pa te wees wat jy verdien.
Hy wil daar wees vir jou en jou die liefde en geduld gee wat jy verdien.

Dis nie reg wat daardie ander mense aan jou doen nie! Dit is nie die Here
wat deur hulle werk nie, ek glo in my hart dis net om hulle eie ego's te

Ek weet jy wag vir bevestiging van die Here! Dit is tyd om hulle te laat
gaan. Dis maar net wat ek dink.

Hulle veroorsaak dat jy nie kan aanbeweeg nie. Hulle veroorsaak dat jy
jouself bevraagteken, en hulle veroorsaak dat jy nie vertrou in ander mense
nie. Bedoelende dat jy nie liefde vrylik kan gee nie.

Ek is jammer as ek te hard voorkom! Ek is jammer dat jy so moes grootword!
Ek is jammer dat jy so moet seerkry!

MAAR daar is 'n toekoms vir jou met mense wat omgee, wat lief is vir jou en
wat baie graag daai leemte wil vul!

Die Here sal alles laat uitwerk!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Perfect Love

I read this tonight, its amazing how God gives us answers.. And its my fav
scripture too!

To love like Jesus is the most important characteristic:
Your love should be patient and kind, it should not boast or be jealous or
keep record of wrongs. What shall remain until the end is faith, hope and
love. But the greatest of these is love.

Found this in: The Bible in 366 days for woman (Nina Smit)


I have so much to be thankful for! We all do actually!

I have a wonderful family, even tho they drive me crazy at times. They have
good intentions, they care and love. they fight for the right reasons, or
sometimes they just fight to get their points across. Sometimes they are
demanding...but I do love them, just the way they are.

I have wonderful friends! I don't think they know how special they are to
me. I am thankful for their support, their encouragement and every single
thing they do to make me 'feel'!

Even tho I don't enjoy my job anymore, I am thankful to have one!

I am thankful for our wonderful, amazing God! He is there for me all the
way, He gives and listens! He answers my prayers, and help me through each

Well, overall I'm very thankful this morning!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Airports at the crack of dawn

I'm waiting for my flight...I'm still sore on my shoulder baldes! Urgh!
Feels like I can't breathe...

Maybe I'm ready for the old age home?

Its gonna be a long day, the way I feel now...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just because

The week that passed, was mostly made up of a lot of emotional things. I
don't know why things mostly happens all at once. But that's part of life,
and we have a lot to be thankful for!

As I said in previous blogs, the court case went well! As my friends told
me, God will answer our prayers, and He did!

J is now going to his father every Wednesday and every second weekend, its
so much better than every second week! We will not have him with us this
Christmas, but we can't have everything we want, ja?

My BFF has been quiet. Do I like it? No I don't. She's been having it bad
at work, and things are not getting better. But I know she will get out of
there, soon! Everything will work out, God gave you, your answer, and He
will provide. I know you are lonely, and I wish I could spend more time
with you - but my family is very demanding! I know you understand, but
still, I wish I could be there for you, more!

I'm so happy that my far-away friend is doing better! It is wonderful to
know he is part of my life, and I want to thank him for all his prayers!
For being my shoulder to cry on, for the laughs and for being there for me.

I've got wonderful friends! And I thank God for them every single day!

The board is sitting with my proposal for Ash's on Monday. That will be the
answer. If I'm going ahead with the book lounge or not. I'm nervous, its a
big step in my life - but I know I can make it work! I've got a support
system that will not let me down! God, family, friends!

God Bless all the people I love!

PS: apologies if I'm repeating myself in my blogs, but like they say, its
supposed to be a place where I can write down what I feel...

Friday, October 15, 2010

St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)

For those who don't know, this is my fav song ever....

It's stuck in my head this morning:

Growin' up, you don't see the writing on the wall
Passin' by, movin' straight ahead, you knew it all
But maybe sometime if you feel the pain
You'll find you're all alone, everything has changed
Play the game, you know you can't quit until it's won
Soldier on, only you can do what must be done
You know in some way you're a lot like me
You're just a prisoner and you're tryin' to break free

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my future's lyin', St. Elmo's Fire

Burning up, don't know just how far that I can go (just how far I go)
Soon be home, only just a few miles down the road
I can make it, I know I can
You broke the boy in me, but you won't break the man

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my future's lyin', St. Elmo's Fire

I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmo's Fire burnin' in me, burnin' in me

Just once in his life a man has his time
and my time is now, I'm coming alive

I can hear the music playin', I can see the banners fly
Feel like you're back again, and hope ridin' high
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my future's lyin', St. Elmo's Fire

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where my future's lyin', St. Elmo's Fire

I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmo's Fire burnin' in me
Burnin', burnin' in me, I can feel it burnin'
Oooh, burnin' inside of me...


Thank goodness its Friday! This week was very long and since I made up my
mind to resign, things are getting worse.

Your boss emails you at 4:30 in the morning! Demanding answers, asking
questions and just working on your nerves in general!

I feel sick...sore all over! Urgh! I think its my thyroid doing its thing
again... :(

Lord, please let me get that shop? Please help me to get my own thing
going? Please?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm sitting here thinking...

I suppose I need to find out how to register a business? And then this:

I need slogans. Jip, of all the things I can think about it's this.

- For the love of reading
- Booklovers never go to bed alone
- Nothing beats the smell of a book
- Leave me alone, I'm reading
- A book is like a good friend
- Dreams=Books
- For the love of happy endings!
- Shhhhh, I'm reading
- Books, Coffee?
- Bookworms do it inside pages
- Once upon a time...
- The End...Nahhh!
- Movies? No let's read!

What do you think?


Thank you to everyone that helped us with prayers these past few days!

The court case is over!

And it's good news!

Lord, thank You for answering our prayers, thank You for being there for us
all, every single day. Amen!

God, family and Friends!

As you know, we have this court case going. My sister's ex-husband took her
to court for shared custody of their little boy...

Well, we had some very good news tonight! It seems that things are going to
work out ok! The ex may agree that he will see our little boy once a week
and every second weekend.

And who can we thank? God of course! Our Heavenly Father!

I will keep you updated on the progress...

I want to thank my two wonderful friends for all their prayers and support!
I also want to thank them for being there for me and my family! Their
support and prayers help soo much!

I've been grumpy and a bit of a cow! I'm sorry if I hurt you! I love you!

Dear God, thank you for answering our prayers and thank You for not leaving
us. Lord, I pray tonight for my sister and her little boy, so that
everything will be wrapped up tomorrow? That the fights and ugliness can be
sorted out once and for all? I also want to thank You for my dear friends.
Please keep them safe and happy? They mean so much to me!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Prayer request

I know I asked you all before to help us pray for my sister and her little
boy, but if you don't mind, can I ask again?

Please, please pray for them? The final court case is tomorrow morning at

Lord,we need you, please help us?


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ek is...

Die kar is ten minste skoon binne! Dankie tog, ek kry al skaam om so rond
te ry...

Dis seker maar ook hoe ek voel binnekant my hart.

Wat as ek nie hierdie nice mens is wat my vriende dink ek is nie? Wat as
hulle eintlik gatvol is vir my en my boring vind? Al wat ek tog oor praat
die afgelope paar weke is boeke, winkels, en is dit die regte ding! Ek sal
redelik gatvol wees vir myself, as die rolle omgedraai was, ne?

Ek het vandag 'n redelike stupid dag gehad. Stupid in die opsig van:
emosies. Ek weet nie wat eintlik met my aangaan nie. Dis soos ek se:
stupid. Ek kan dit nie eers verduidelik op hierdie blog nie.

Miskien is dit maar net dat ek so graag alles wil fix? Dat alles net sal
reg wees as ek een oggend wakker word? Ek weet nie!

Ek ken redelik genoeg mense, ja, ek sal seker as ek 'n gastelys maak,
genoeg mense daar he, om die saal vol te maak, maar ek het werklik waar net
twee vriende. My BFF en die ver-weg ene! Ek is so vreeslik lief vir hulle,
ek glo nie hulle dink so nie, maar ek doen!

Al wat ek vir hulle wil he, is mooi dinge!

En natuurlik dat ons vriende kan wees vir altyd...

Ek is jammer ek is so a depro drama queen! Ek kry myself seker maar 'n
bietjie jammer...

My sussie se hofsaak is asseblief bid? Vra asseblief ons
Hemelse Vader dat haar seuntjie nie van haar af sal weggevat word nie?
Groot seblief?

Die amazing ding is: ons het 'n baie groot God! En ek glo en vertrou dat
alles gaan uitwerk! Dit gaan!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lord, please help?

My sister got a call from her lawyer yesterday...

The courtcase is on Tuesday...

Can I pls ask everyone reading this to pray for my sister and her little

Lord, please help us? Please don't let them take our little boy? Please
help us?


Friday, October 8, 2010

Hush Hush...

This Becca lady can write, look at this:

"For making me crazy about him when I knew it was wrong. He was the worst
kind of wrong. He was so wrong it felt right, and that made me feel
completely out of control"

Good, ja?

The need to blog..

There is so much I can, and want to blog!

But where to start?

Ash's/Ashes is coming along! Got great friends that are helping me with so
much. Their opinions are so important to me! And I treasure each and every
suggestion/comment/criticism/complement they give - I want to say thank

For my BFF:
Everything will work out just fine! God is almighty and He will make things
work out in His plan! Lafsu! The holiday is around the corner and its going
to be a lot of fun...

For my far-away-friend:
God is our ultimate helper! Don't be so hard on yourself? Things are going
well, I believe that. I'm here for you always! Thank you for being there
for me too! Lafsu!

For C:
Don't let that man upset you! God will help you! He will keep your little
boy with you - always. Don't let that man try to rule your life, God is in
control! Love you..

About me:
I'm tired, but I'm ok!
I'm worried, but I know God is in control!
I've got a headache, but at least I've got grandpa's (hehehehe)

On a serious note:
I love all these wonderful people in my life, because God sent them my

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ashes (again) and some general life things

I made some calls yesterday, and it seems that I only had one negative
person, about Ashes, and the setup! I believe it is confirmation from God,
even though I don't think its the final one. I will wait for His answer, in
the meantime, I will keep up my research.

We found an awesome shopping centre! And guess what? It is less than half
the price of the other one I had in mind! Amazing ne? And it is so much

It seems I got excited for nothing the other evening, when about 5 drops of
rain fell... So, there still no rain, and the heat is terrible. I'm sure
the rain is around the corner.

My BFF had her hearing yesterday :( , Cruella was a ray of sunlight, like
usual! My friend - everything will be okay! I promise! God will look after
you, and keep you safe...

He never leaves us!

I can sit here and blog the whole day, but I need to leave for work...

Laf U all!

Monday, October 4, 2010

What if?

Last night I got a call from a man I don't know. I know who he is, but I
don't know him, if you know what I mean?

He told me in a very straightforward manner that Ashes is a bad idea, that
I'm going to waste my money, and waste a lot more than I know!

Why did I get that call? What must I think now? I. Don't.Know!

I'm on my way to work! Another day in a place where ethics flew out the
window a long time ago!

I really can't work there no more! I've had it!

Please Lord, help me? What should I do?


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ash's or Ashes

Yes, I decided the name must change to Ash's. I think is looks better than
Ashes? What you think?

So, I think I got some sort of confirmation today! Thank you Lord! I'm sure
I need some more, so I will be patient.

I forgot about a few things, that's why I had to talk to my Dad. He is all
for it, so by the way!

So, I'm excited! I can make this work with an Awesome God, family and very
dear friends...

Imagine a lounge/study setup? With wingback chairs, small coffee tables,
small reading lamps and divine coffee. My Dad also suggested I sell
paintings. I think that can work - you? There is always an artist somewhere
that wants to start somewhere, so maybe Ash's is the place for them.

There'll be book clubs, kids story time, and music Sundays! My BFF will
just have to get over her stage fright!

So from now on it's marketing, cost budgets and estimating! O dear!

I want to talk to my far-away-friend too.... Got sooo much to tell him!

Friday, October 1, 2010


So, I've got the plan. I know the what, where, but not the when yet!

This has been a dream for a very long time. I want this and I think I need
this. I'm so bored at work, wish I could explain it to someone. I feel as
if I don't use my brain anymore, because I've been in every situation there
could be! Yes! I believe that I've been there, done that and got a few
T-shirts to prove it.


I'm not doing this if it's not part of God's plan! I need to do this with
Him, because without him I can't succeed. And I MUST succeed!

I know this whole concept can work, because I would love it if there could
be a place where I could go, to buy my fav past-times...

Books and Coffee!

I think I'm a bit scared, that's all.

I believe I will get my answer...I must just give it time.