Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Found this on facebook:

A real man is a
woman's best friend. He will never let her down. He will comfort her after a bad
day. He will inspire her to do things she never thought she could do. He will
enable her to express her deepest emotions. He will enable her to be confident,
sexy, seductive and invincible ... No wait. Sorry. I'm thinking of wine. It's
WINE that does all that... Never mind... ;)

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Soos dit is...

Snaaks hoe dinge so stadig, maar seker net verander. Jy sien die tekens al 'n rukkie, en probeer dit in jou kop vir jouself uitwerk. Maar jy kan net nie jou vinger op dit sit nie.

Dan soek jy die fout by jouself, en begin dan in jouself twyfel.

Als wat jy se en doen word verkeerd opgevat, mense deel niks meer met jou nie, want daar word net die heeltyd 'aangeneem'

Ek sit vanaand hier en ek sal nie weer vra wat aan die gang is nie. As mense nie met jou wil deel nie, is dit iets wat jy moet aanvaar.

Wel, dis dan seker hoe dinge gaan wees. Ek het nog nooit gat gelek vir enige iets in my lewe nie, en ek gaan nie nou begin nie.

Ek is moeg om te torring, ek is moeg om te verduidelik. Ek is moeg vir die gekompliseerde goed, wat eintlik nie baie gekompliseerd moet wees nie. Iets wat natuurlik moet wees.

So vanaand staan ek terug.

Van vanaand af sal ek wag, wag vir antwoorde en verduidelikings. Miskien kom dit reg, miskien nie....

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Monday, August 29, 2011


Fear turns into faith,when you turn your worry into worship

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Friday, August 19, 2011


Drienie van Staden wrote:

A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact, Or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched. A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise. Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies. A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end. Where would we be in this world if we didn't have a friend.

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Monday, August 15, 2011


I've been battling to sleep for a few months now, and every time I can't sleep, I try to figure out why.

Well, tonight it can be the wind howling outside. I can feel it through the windows. Funny, I know, because they are closed, but somehow the wind is getting in.

Then it could be because of the heaviness of the blankets. Its so cold that I need a few, plus my duvet. Maybe I feel a bit surrounded.

It could also be that I have all these plans running through my head! Plans for Ash's. Tonight's plan is a blackboard room divider. It will look pretty nice at the opening to the kitchen. I think?

There is advertising ideas, too... I'm thinking of getting branded flags. But, I'm not sure about those yet.

Then I think about my family and friends a lot. I love them so much, and I lay here and pray to God to keep them safe and sound. To keep them protected and happy, and healthy.

So what can it be? Why am I not sleeping? Who knows...

O wait! It can be that my socks are cramping my style or that my warm water bottle is just too hot?

I just want to sleep....really....

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

So seer!

Ek het lanklaas so seer gehad soos nou. My hande kan nie toemaak nie, my voete pyn, ek het 'n knop op my elmboog en my skouer is werklik seer!!

Ek kan nie slaap nie, want daar is nie 'n manier wat ek kan slaap soos altyd nie. Maak nie saak hoe ek le nie, dis seer!

Here, my God, asseblief vat hierdie pyn weg? Here asb?


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know its late...

But is there anyone I can talk to out there?

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's up?

I woke up ten minutes ago, and it feels like I slept for hours...and to set the record straight? I only did the sleep thing for two hours? I think?

Just grand...

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thorns in my side...

I've started this blog a few times, saved it to draft, and then deleted it again.

Maybe its because I don't want to blog about my RA anymore. I can just imagine how people must feel, reading about it the whole time. I won't like to. So, yes, I'm not going to blog about that no more. I believe God will heal me, so I'm leaving that 'thorn' for now.

I bought books, and I'm so eager to start reading them. But I'm battling to read - again! I don't know what's up with that. Its not that I don't have time, I have a lot of that. So not being able to read is another 'thorn'.

Ash's is doing ok. But I want it to do better. I know it can! I've got all these ideas, but I'm battling to realize them. Its good ideas, I think. I just can't do them alone. I need help. Every time I'm ready and full of excitement to start, then it all comes to a grinding halt, because of stupid things like the size of a board! A huge 'thorn'.

For my two very dear friends? I'm sorry I've been such a grumpy old kuh! :(

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