Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ja wat...

Ek is bietjie negatief, mislik en vertraag, sommer so alles saam.

Ek kry myself seker maar jammer! Urgh! Ek haat dit om so te voel.

Vandag was so lekker, ons het gekuier, kwaliteit tyd saam met mense wat ek lief het, spandeer, maar nou? Nou voel ek soos 'n ou lap...

Ja, soos 'n tipiese oujong nooi!

Vandag mis ek die man en kinders wat ek nie het nie, vandag mis ek die jong-wees dae...

Vandag MIS ek net....

Maar more is 'n nuwe dag, nuwe dinge, nuwe uitdagings!

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

A good day!

Today was just one of those blessed days...a good day!

My BFF got a car! She bought some well deserved other things too...

I think she is happy and excited, and that means the world to me. I pray that she will have all the good things with her little car!

We talked, laughed and had a small argument about her choice in shoes, hehehehe!

I couldn't be more blessed with my BFF!

Thank You Lord for her! Thank You that You are watching over her, and for all the help today...


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Thursday, January 27, 2011


It is one of the easiest and most difficult things in the world, except for saying: Sorry!

Is it too much to ask the people you love to be honest?

If they don't feel like talking, if they don't want to share stuff, if they can't tell you something, even though you know there is something wrong?

If they just back off?

All I ask, the only thing I ask - ever, is for people to be honest with me...

I don't think that's too much to ask? You?

My time for honesty: its the first day, in about a month, I don't have pain! It is amazing, and I want to share that with the world! Thank You God for that!

Maybe I must just work harder to deserve people's honesty....

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alone with my thoughts

I've got so much alone time...and alone time, turns into thinking time.

Thinking time, turns into wondering time, wishing time and worry time.

So, ja, all these thoughts running through my mind...

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life changing..

Its been a good day - or so I hope and pray...

I signed my lease today. So Ash's is about to happen, no more talking, now it's the doing part..

There is soo much to do, but I'm up for the challenge!

Floor plans, chairs, cutlery, paint! Yesss, I'm ready for April...

Thank you Lord, for leading me, guiding me! Amen!

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another one...

Verse: Mark 5:36

Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear; ONLY BELIEVE!

- Fear robs us of our ability to trust and believe in what God can do.
- Doubt causes us to stumble and fall.
- The great temptation is to doubt God's love.
- Your faith is anchored in God, don't doubt or fear.

PRAYER: Lord, I will believe in You no matter what comes my way. You will help me, You do love me and You will never leave me. Amen.

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Thought for today

I got this on facebook! Its amazing when you feel the way I do today, then wham, God does the talking!

Verse: Isaiah 41:13

For I, the Lord your God, have taken your right hand in Mine, saying to you, 'Have no fear; I will be your helper'.

- God will never, never let go of your hand.
- Don't try to hold God's hand; let Him hold yours.
- You do the trusting and let Him do the holding.
- Like a parent holds the hand of an unstable child, so God holds you.

PRAYER: Lord, on the rough paths of life, it is wonderful to know that You are holding my hand. Amen.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Best Mom award

If there's ever been a day I don't ever want again - it was yesterday!
I could have filled a pool with all the tears I cried...

But - like always my Mom left everything she was busy with and rushed
to my side.

I want to thank her for that! And not only for yesterday, for every
single day. The days she laughs with me, cries with me, fights with

I want to thank God for her.


For the rest of my family and my closets friends!

I have the best of both!

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The relaxed state of mind

Its amazing what two days at home can do. I see myself as a housewife, or housewoman! Hehehe! I sleep until seven, have coffee without rushing...

I don't think I will be able to do it permanently, but for now? I'm enjoying it.

My health? Well, it seems I've got some kind of arthritis. Too much acid of some sort in my least now I know why it hurts so bad sometimes. They told me to go see a specialist, but nahhh, I will google it, and make sure I drink and eat the right things.

I'm signing for Ash's on Thursday! Yay! I can't wait! I'm excited and scared at the same time. I saw the chairs I want, and a few other tidbits that will look stunning. I want to start sanding the side board thingy my Oupa gave me, so if anyone have tips on how to renovate and fix it - let me know?

I spent the day with my Oupa, he is getting older by the day, but again, I have the time now, and I'm trying to spent it wisely...

J is back from 17 days at his Dad. Its good to have him back! No more silent house! O, and no more clean house! Its good to have him back, especially for my sister's state of mind...

My far-away friend, is even further away. Or like he said, its not really further than he usually is. Its the time difference, its crap, to put it so bluntly! I miss him...

My BFF found a job, and she is enjoying it! Thank God for that! We have an awesome God!

I pray that all will work out the way its planned, Amen!

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"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect.
There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions.
So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger,
more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful."
Mark Victor Hansen

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just in general...

I feel so much better! It took me a while to realize that I'm now officially jobless, and that my dream is around the corner...

Ash's is going to be a huge success, with the help of my God, my family and friends!

I found the near perfect chair yesterday, the color and shape will work! I'm looking forward to more Ash's shopping!

But, because of all these mental lists I'm making, I woke up, and now I can't sleep, grrrrr!

I decided that putting the thoughts to paper will work, so I'm starting that now...yes, I know its 1:30am...

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

New chapter

The new one is just beginning!

God, please help me to make a success of this? Please help me to make the right decisions, in this new chapter?


Now if I could just sleep, that will be perfect...

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

So ja...

There's so many things running through my mind at once.

As of tomorrow afternoon, I no longer work for a boss. She said I can
finish tomorrow since they found a replacement for me.

How do I feel? I'm so laid back about it, its actually funny. Not funny in
a laughing kind of way, but sort of sad.

Jip, a 20 year chapter is closing, and a new one will begin soon.

So ja, that was my first career...

It is wonderful that I don't have any pain left in my body! Thank God for
that...I've been so grumpy. I slept for the first time in a week or two,
and I feel so much better.

And it seems that I will have a lot of sleep in the next week or five,
because I don't have to wake up at 4am anymore...

So ja, that's it. I think.

PS: Far-far-away friend, you're in my thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Flip, it's sore!

I can't wake up like this anymore!
Its soo very sore!

It moved from my right shoulder, to my left elbow, to my left hand, from
there to my left shoulder!

Now its my left foot!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The future..

They say we must live in the present, not in the future. Wish it was as
easy as it sounds.

In 20 day's time my life is taking on a completely new direction. That is

But one thing I will not allow to change is the time with the people I love
and care for.

They are my support system, a part of my future...

Monday, January 10, 2011

My prayer this morning...

Dear Lord,

Thank You for a good weekend, thank You for my family and friends! Thank
You for a roof over our heads, thank You for being the power that drives

Lord, I will hopefully know about the shop today. Lord, can I ask that it
will be, as is in Your perfect plan?

Lord, I ask that You go with all the people I love? Protect, guide and keep
them safe? Protect their health? Help them to be happy?

Lord, thank You that You are our Lord and Saviour!


Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm stuck with a flat tyre!!

That is going to take a while...

Weekend on hold for a bit!

So baie goed..

Ek is bekommerd oor so baie vanoggend! Ek wens ek kon net beter voel?

Eerstens is daar my familie. Hulle beteken vir my die wereld, regtig hulle
doen. Maar, hulle wil my lewe regeer soos dit hulle pas. Wie ek moet ken,
wat ek moet doen en die ergste van alles, wat om met my tyd te doen. Ek ken
van prioriteite, ek doen! En ek weet dis die belangrikste om hulle eerste
te sit, maar wanneer is dit my beurt? Wanneer gaan hulle besef dat ek amper
39 jaar oud is? Ek dank die Here elke dag vir hulle! Maak nie saak hoe ek
soms voel nie, hulle sal altyd eerste wees..

Ek het twee van die wonderlikste vriende, twee mense wat ek baie lief het.
Hulle luister as ek teem en huil en ook wanneer ek net plain 'n koei is!
Hulle stel geen voorwaardes nie. Ek dink hulle ken my eintlik baie goed. Ek
wens ek kon meer tyd saam my BFF spandeer, maar dis bietjie moeilik, veral
nou. So ons gesels maar op die foon... My ander vriend dink hy vat te veel
van my tyd! Ek glo nie hy besef wat ek voel en dink nie... Dan is ek ook
bang dat ons altyd net gaan pen-vriende wees...

Ek is bang vir die einde van die maand, want ek moet wag vir geld om met
Ash's te begin... Dit is scary, want ek kan nie net aanneem dat ek elke
maand 'n salaris gaan trek nie. Ja, ek gaan nie skuld he nie, maar ek het
nogsteeds geld nodig om te lewe.

Vanoggend wil ek alles wat ek het, en die mense vir wie ek so vreeslik lief
het, aan die Here se voete le. Here pas hulle op, vertel asb vir hulle hoe
lief ek hulle het?

Sonder hulle is ek nie veel nie, en sonder U, Here is ek absoluut nilks!

Maar? Alles gaan ok wees en alled gaan uitwerk!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


My BFF found a job!

Thank you God!

I pray for her today. That she will be happy there and that she will enjoy
it. I know she will make a huge success of it!

May God bless you and keep you, S!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thank you...

Its the first morning in more than a week, that I woke up without pain!
Thank you Lord! I could get out of bed without crying..
I could do my own make up and hair!

There is something bothering my BFF and she is not talking. I hope and pray
that she is feeling better today. We can't give up, S! Its not right, we
can't doubt the Lord. So whatever it is, I hope you can talk about it, I
really do!

Today is my exit interview, what and how I'm going to handle it, I don't

I feel excited this morning! For my family, friends and Ash's...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bible's description of Friends!

Friends, according to the original sense of the Hebrew word, are those who delight in each other's company.  Either they are useful to each other because the one possesses gifts that the other lacks, or they have certain tastes in common.

It is in friendship that we get to know ourselves, as a man sees his face in the mirror of calm water.  We unfold to each other, our friend elicits traits of which we are hardly aware. Our sympathy and tenderness are drawn forth by our friend's troubles, as our laughter flashes out to awaken or to answer his high spirits.  

We shudder to think what cold and undeveloped beings we should be without the sharpening of friendship.

How sweet human friendships are!

To read:
Proverbs 27:6, 9-10, 14, 17 & 19

Monday, January 3, 2011


I did it - I resigned...

Sjoe, that was absolutely a very difficult thing to do! This was 20 years
of my life...

If I can just stop shaking it will help!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First day of the year!

Yes, that was the first day of 2011! Its scary how quickly the festive
season come to a close!

For most people its back to work on Monday, so I'm sure traffic will be
back in full force.

My resignation is typed, printed, signed and sealed. Ready for delivery on
monday morning. The question is, will she tell me to go? Well I really hope
not! I will definitely feel like a dog that's been chased away...

But there is not much I can do about it, is there?


I'm listening to my BFF snoring.. Hehehehe!

Its the first day, of the new year, and I can feel that this is going to be
the year where dreams are going to come true!

God bless all the people I love, please?