Monday, December 31, 2012

Nice words...

In life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it..You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good...So love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't..Life is too short to be anything but happy..Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living!

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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Can't believe it is New year's eve tomorrow. 2012 making way for 2013...

I am thankful for so many things this year. We got my Mom's little house finished and she's happy here. We went through court cases and like always God was there to help us! I'm grateful for my family and even more so that we are together, I thank God for them every day.

Yes, there were tears and heartache and hurt. I lost a friend to cancer, Brian was a wonderful man. My dearly beloved Oupa passed away, and I still miss him every day. Ash's closed down, that dream shattered in a million pieces. I lost very close friends, and that I miss a lot too...

Now for 2013. The year where I will be job hunting like crazy, finding something that I will love doing. Saving for that overseas trip, and moving forward. To better things...

I pray that every single person I know, and don't know, to have an awesome new year. To forgive each other, to love each other and to hold on to the ones you love. Life is too short for all the crap.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012


" The truth, about the truth, is that it will always remain the truth, even if it's only known to and uphold by one soul."

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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Ek kan nie eers onthou wanneer laas ek deurgeslaap het nie! Dis asof my RA 'n hoogte in geskiet het, en asof die pyn net erger geword het oor nag!

Dan is daar die nagmerries...aai!

Ek dink nie ek het net een van my beste vriende verloor nie, maar twee...

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas eve...

For the first time in years, it is all quiet in our house on this Christmas eve...

I miss the excitement, merriness, laughter and giggles. The heaps of dirty dishes and the mounds of wrapping paper and funny little gifts.

I miss the Christmas hats and crackers, and the stupid funny jokes hidden in those crackers.

I miss the people that's not part of this year's Christmas...Our little boy who is with his father this year, my Oupa that is celebrating this day with Jesus, my friend that is far away, and D that's just gone without reason.

My Mom went to bed early, and I gave my sad sister a sleeping pill, so she can hopefully find a night's rest, so, here I am sitting on the stoep, with a smoke and a cup of coffee, hoping and praying that she will feel better in the morning.

Thank You Jesus for another year, thank You for being born and dying for my sins! Thank You for every person I love so dearly!

May everyone have a blessed Christmas!

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Friday, December 21, 2012


'Why' and 'I wish' is turning over and over in my mind.

Not that it's helping anyway...

Just giving myself a headache!

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Monday, December 17, 2012


It's nearly Christmas....

Everywhere I look there are tinsel, trees and fake snow.

What is on my Christmas wish list?

Wish I could tell you, but I don't have the guts to even blog it!

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

When driving my sister's Dodge...

Do yourself a favour and listen to this in a car with sound, ja?

Songwriters: CARMEN, ERIC
(eric carmen)

A lot of empty words that I've already heard
Ain't gonna work tonight
Don't wanna talk about it anymore
'cause that ain't gonna make things right
So now you're back again, you say it's not too late
To give it one more try
Well, I don't want to hear your lies
No, I don't want to hear your lies no more

I've got to find a way, I know, to let you go
'cause it hurts too much
You say you'll never leave
And then, you're gone again
Oh, it hurts too much
It hurts too much, my love
I've heard it all before
I've got to tell you no, no, no
It hurts too much

You know I tried so hard
I spend so many nights
Waitin' for the phone to ring
But it's over now and I'm afraid
I don't feel much of anything
You say you want my love
You've played around enough
But now I can't forget
Well, honey there's nothing left
I ain't got nothin' left at all

I've got to find a way, I know, to let you go
'cause it hurts too much
You say you'll never leave
And then, you're gone again
Oh, it hurts too much
It hurts too much, my love
I've heard it all before
I've got to tell you no, no, no
It hurts too much

Just when I thought I'd gotten over you
I hear you knockin' at my door
After everything you've put me through, you know
I just can't take it anymore

You say you want my love
You've played around enough
But now I can't forget
Well, honey there's nothing left
I ain't got nothin' left at all

I've got to find a
To find a way, I know, to let you go
'cause it hurts too much
You say you'll never leave
And then, you're gone again
Oh, it hurts too much
It hurts too much, my love
I've heard it all before
I've got to tell you no, no, no
It hurts too much
Oh, it hurts too much
It hurts too much
Oh, it hurts too much
Listen when I tell you it hurts
Oh, it hurts too much
Oh mama it hurts
Oh, you hurt me so much

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Stupid bed or not...

I think I need a new bed? You know the feeling, when you're tired, and as soon as you get in bed, you can't find a position you're comfortable in? I'm beginning to think its my flippen bed!

Or maybe just my mind that can't seem to stop wandering?

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

God se kaalvoet meisiekind...


Soms wonder mens waar het dit verkeerd geloop . . .
Ek het haar op 'n dag gesoek
Skielik besef sy's weg . . .
Maar hoe en waar en wanneer ? Ek het dan belowe ek sal haar nooit vergeet . . .
Nooit teleurstel . . .
Ek't haar belowe ek sal No Matter what . .
Haar altyd onthou . . .
Maar " Life Happens "
En mens raak besig . . .
Met jou lewe . . .
Met jou man . . .
Met jou kids . . .
Jou werk . . .
en dan op 'n dag
Besef jy sy's weg . . .
Hoe het dit dan gebeur ?
Dan kom ons hemelse Dad en hy vat jou . . .
Hy wys jou waar sy is . . .
My kind kyk in die spiëel . . .
Kyk mooi . . .
Sy is daar . . .
Jy moet net soek . . .
Sy is nogsteeds daar binne jou . . .
Jou VROUWEES . . .
Meisiekind van God ons is so besig om van die lewe 'n tuiste te wil maak en om die kids groot te maak en om supervrou te probeer wees . . .
Dat ons vergeet het om "VROU" te wees . . .
wat God besluit het ons moet wees . . .
Die sierraad van Sy skepping . . .
As jy as vrou voel jy is nie meer so mooi /sexy of vroulik soos altyd nie . . .
As jy dink jou man sien jou nie meer raak nie . . .
Daar is hoop . . .
Jy kan weer die Girl wees waarop jou man verlief geraak het . . .
Jou man sal weer drome droom oor jou . . .
Jy sal sy Darling en weer Koningin van sy lewe wees . . .
As jy single is : Girla maak jou gereed want God is nou besig om die mooiste liefdes storie vir jou te skryf . . .
En hoe weet ek al die dinge . . .
Want ek het die pad geloop . . .
En op 'n dag het God my gevat, omgedop en my weer myself, my beste vriendin gemaak . . .
Wat vol komplimente is en nie net vol selfafbreking en selfkastydings nie . . Ek is weer na al die jare myself . . . .
Die vrou wie God besluit het ek moet en gaan wees . . .
Ek is God se kaalvoet meisiekind.....

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Books, books and books...

I've been reading like a crazy person these past couple of weeks. I forgot how good it feels!

When you open a book, and you laugh and cry and get upset with the characters.

Then there's the parts where you are reminded of your own memories and hope and dreams...

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Monday, December 3, 2012


Who would have thought that I will be doing this again?

I have my first official job interview today. I didn't do any prep for this, because can one really plan?

My black pants and high heels was hunted down, and I'm as ready as I will ever be....

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