Thursday, October 27, 2011

Intensity, sjoe...

Alexandra Adornetto wrote this in her book called Hades:

'I feel sorry for you' he said slowly 'I guess you wouldn't know what its like to be loved or wanted by anybody. You're right, though; Beth isn't human, because humans have a soul that they struggle all the time to stay in touch with. Every day is a battle for them to listen to their conscience and do the right thing. If you knew Beth at all you'd know that she doesn't have a soul, she's ALL soul. She's filled with it, more than any human possibly could be. You wouldn't know that because emptiness and hatred isd all you've ever known. But that won't win out in the end - you'll see'

And then I cried like a baby! Sjoe!

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I can't even blog today.... Its as if every turn my thoughts make, I walk into a dead-end.

Very frustrating...

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Friday, October 21, 2011

For my BFF and BMF

A best friend doesn't care when you're broke - being a bitch - what you weigh - if you don't see them for months - if your house is a mess - if you forget their special days - what you drive - about your past - or if your family is filled with crazy people. Your conversations pick up where they left off - even if they have been months apart.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011


God? Please God?
Its so sore. Please help to take away this pain. I'm soo tired, I just want to sleep, but I can't! Because the pain is everywhere...
It is unbearable. I know there are so much more people out there that needs Your help..
Please God? Help me?


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm still awake, urgh!

I've got this funny back ache, and its just constantly paining. I don't think its got anything to do with RA....

I just wanna sleep, please?

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Die winkel doen nie goed nie. My sussie sukkel met haar seuntjie. Geld raak min.

Dis moeilik, regtig. Ek sit nou al 'n rukkie en wonder of ek nie maar my droom moet opgee, en weer begin werk soek nie. Op die einde van die dag moet ek sekerlik ten minste my uitgawes dek, of hoe? Ek is bang! Regtig bang dat ek dalk te lank gaan vat om 'n antwoord te kry oor wat ek moet doen. Dit is wat ek wil he. Dit is wat ek glo die Here het vir my gegee. Maar dit voel nie meer reg nie.

My sussie is in trane hier weg vanoggend, omdat haar seuntjie so 'lelik' is. Dis nou 'n gewoonte as hy van sy pa af kom. Sy gee haar alles vir hom. Sy probeer so hard.

Here? Asseblief ons het U hulp nodig?

Here, help my familie? Help my asseblief om suksesvol te wees met die winkel, en met my familie, en my vriende?

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