Friday, September 30, 2011

A day in the life

I've been battling with my knee. Jip, the thing is so sore, it feels like I can just take it out with a bread knife.

That leads me, to nearly breaking my neck in the shower this morning, which lead me to nearly shaving off my leg. Then after my shower, I realize that I colored more of my ears, neck and forehead, than my hair.

As soon as I got to Ash's, my day turned out to go better. I had a good day, filled with customers and sales! Thank You Lord!

Got home, realized I killed our brand new love palm! Because I forgot to water the poor thing...

Now I'm laying in bed, listening to the wind howling outside. Hopefully it brings good, hard rain. To settle all the dust?

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Something we all should remember...

God sends people to pick us up when we struggle: "If either of them falls down, one can help the other up" (Ecclesiastes 4:10). Don't be isolated in your troubles. Ask safe people for help, and give it back to others as well.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011


I couldn't help but smile at myself when I saw this:

Have you ever wondered, if God looks down at you in a humorous moment, chuckles and thinks to Himself: 'Yeah, I made that'

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wide awake...

The wind is howling outside, but there was no rain yet.

So far, I really enjoyed our weekend away. It feels good to not have pain and to get out of routine..

Thank you Lord!

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ek wens....

Ek het lanklaas in so baie plekke in my lyf, seer gehad. Sjoe, dit voel asof ek uitmekaar val. Maar ek voel goed. Dit maak nie sin nie, ne? Ek weet...

My Ma se toetse het teruggekom, maar ons moet wag tot Dinsdag, wanneer die dokter terug kom, vir die uitslae. Dit is regtig nie lekker nie! Here, asb dat sy ok sal wees? Asseblief?


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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Its raining...

Who could have thought that the sound of thunder would be so welcoming?

Well, I believe this is the beginning of a good summer!

I believe things are going to be better on all fronts...

Why? Because we have an awesome God!

Sleep tight, everyone...

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Monday, September 12, 2011


My body is aching soo bad! I know I said I'm not blogging about it again, but I want to. I wish I could explain how it feels, you know?

Business was slow today. Please Lord, help me?

I'm thinking of looking for an extra income. Something I can do at the shop during the day - but what, I don't know. I need the income, but to work my brain a bit will do me the world of good.

I want to go home tired...and not tired, because of the pain.

I want to be successful real bad!

Lord, please help? Please let me be a success, please take away my pain? I don't want to live on pain medication. I want my body back? I want Ash's to be a success...please?

So that's me and my pity-party-for-one for today....

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