Monday, February 28, 2011

Happiness is...

I'm happy and grateful for so many things this morning!

I want to thank God that I woke up this morning with the knowledge that I have an awesome family and amazing friends!

I want to thank God that my BFF found a place she can call home! I know she will be happier there, and I wish I could help her more. She's got amazing plans for her life and I hope and pray that all her wishes will come true!

As from tomorrow, I have this huge responsibility called, Ash's. I'm scared and worried, yes, I am still! But I know God is in control and He will help me and support me, the only way He knows how - All the way!

With the family and friends I have, I know my support system will be there and that with them, and our amazing God, I will make a success of this!

I still believe that 2011 is going to go from strength to strength!

Thank You God! Amen!

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Friday, February 25, 2011

A week in the life of me...

Yes, I know I said I'm not going to do the blog thing for a while, but here I go - again.

I don't know where this week went! I can't believe its Friday already.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Apologies for the english people...

Dinge voel anders. Miskien is dit ek, wie weet? Ek hou rerig nie daarvan nie. Mense wat my ken weet ek sukkel bietjie met verandering. Veral as dit kom by mense vir wie ek omgee.

Die ding is, as jy gewoond is dat iemand sekere dinge doen, en dan skielik op hou, voel dit mos weird, is dit nie? Dit voel dan vir my of mense stadig maar seker begin afstand doen.

Stupid, ne?

Maar dis dinge wat my uit die slaap hou, want as ek gee, gee ek alles. Nie net bietjie op 'n slag nie. Mense wat my ken, weet dit ook. Ek hoop!

Ek praat van niemand in besonder nie, vir die wat nou weer dink, ek praat van een persoon...

Dis maar net iets wat ek wou deel met my blog vandag.

Ek gaan bietjie pouse vat op my blog, want meeste van die tyd tik ek anyway net 'n klomp bollie, hehehehehe! Dis tyd dat ek tyd saam met die Here spandeer, ek doen dit hopeloos te min!

Dis seker Casting Crowns wat aan my hart raak vanoggend! Ek dink dis tyd dat ek ophou met al hierdie stront, en moet begin uitsien na more en alles wat ek wil bereik...

Ek word 39 volgende week, ja, ek is nie een van daai vrouens wat worry dat mense weet hoe oud ek is nie, so ek moet begin om my deurmekaargeid te laat staan...

Ek weet wat ek wil he! Nou moet ek net begin om dit na te jaag!

Verandering? Ek hou nogsteeds nie daarvan nie.

Ek gaan alles insit, vir die mense vir wie ek lief is en vir my toekoms...

Vatso katvis!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Facebook and Mozzies

O dear, o dear...

What is more frustrating? Mozzies or people going on and on about U2 on Facebook?

What do I think? Both is very overrated!


Then to top it all? I can't sleep...

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Thank you BFF...

I want to thank her, for being here today.

Thank her for being honest, yes, even though it hurt to hear, it means a lot when she understands me so well.

Thank her for being there to listen, even though I don't say much in return.

Thank her for everything!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rain, pls?

I know a few weeks ago I had enough of the rain, that just did not stop for about three weeks...

Funny how it is, that its been so hot, that a bit of rain will be great! Just to cool everything off a bit?

I'm home alone tonight, it feels weird...

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stumbled upon...

I'm not the type of person that will let boredom get to me, I don't like being bored, that's why I always keep busy with one or the other thing.

I don't like watching TV, but I've done that a lot since I resigned! *Blush* Yes, I confess..

This morning I stumbled upon a dvd series, that my sister got from a friend. It is presented by Gretha Wiid...

I don't think she is a pastor or minister, but I sat watching this series for about five hours! What an eye opener! I feel so much better, more motivated, more blessed!

God has got good things for us, but we can't sit back and wait for it all. We need to work for it, we need to want it, and most important of all we need to ask God for His help and guidance in all of it.

So? I realized this - again! I always do, but sometimes I must stumble upon things to see it again...

It must be God's way to show me things. To not give up hope, to not sit and doubt, but to fight for what I believe in, to hope and pray...

Today was a good-alone-by-myself day!

Thank You God!

I still need to update this blog of mine with news from Ash's - watch this space, there's lots of news!

But, that's me for now....

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bad dreams...

I had a terrible dream, I woke up crying...

I hate fighting with people I care for!

I'm sorry, I was angry and I had no reason to get all bitchy!

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I think it is an awesome idea to do rehab if you wake up at 3:30 on a Sunday morning.

By the time the sun comes up it is done and you have so much more time for other things.

Jaja! Let's face it, rehab is not my favorite past time, so let's cut the crap! Hehehehehe!

But I'm glad it is nearly done!

Have a good, God-filled Sunday!

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Friday, February 4, 2011


The sky is filled with thousands of stars is so amazing how God created it all!

I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I think its because my mind is busy with bookshelves, chairs and rent.

And so much more...

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thought for today

To create more positive results in your life, replace "if only" with "next time"

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

She believes in me!

I love it! Even though its a bit sad!

Here it is...

While she lays sleeping
I stay out late at night to play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it`s good when I finally make it home, all alone
While she lays dreaming,
I touch her face across the silver light
I see her dreams that drift upto the sky
And she wakes up to my kiss and I say it`s alright
And I hold her tight.

And she believes in me
I`ll never know just what she sees in me,
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world with my songs, but
I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
Forever in my heart she will remain
And I hope and pray
I will find a way,find a way

While she lays waiting
I ask myself do I hurt her so
What called me on a long and this lonely road,
Why dont i turn around and head back home where I belong
While she lays crying
For she knows my heart is ripped in two
I`m torn between the things that I should do
She deserves it all and I'd give it if i could, God her love is true


While she lays sleeping
While she lays sleeping for me.

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I'm tired...grrrrr!

Wish I could get back into bed and sleep, but I'm battling to sleep.

My prayer this morning..


Thank you for this day, thank You for being with us, for us! Thank You for my friends and family!
Please help us through this day? That we will all have a productive day?


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