Tuesday, November 15, 2016


My thought for the week reads as follow:


“We don’t always have to agree with one another, but it’s important that we learn to respect one another”


That made me think…


I think that is what is wrong in life in general.  People don’t care how they treat one another, what they say, how they say it and how they react.  I’m also part of the ‘people’, believe me.  No one is perfect, but we can try.  I’m not saying we are  not entitled to our own opinions about things, but why is it so difficult to think before we speak or react?  I believe there are ways and means to give your opinion without hurting people.  It is not your way or no way.  It is not take it or leave it.  It is not stuff the people I am the people.  Guess what?  We can have the best (or think that we do), but what we think are the ‘best’ for us, is not the best for the next person.  It is ok that they have their own ‘the best’, and that I have  my own ‘the best’.  Does that make sense?  For me it does.  It is all about that one little word – RESPECT! 


That is why there are so many broken people and relationships out there.  Just because the person next to you don’t like the colour of your car, or that I have the best shoes!  Come on man!  Can we please have some respect for one another?  Can we stop damaging other people’s ‘things’? Can we stop forcing people to like what we like, or else?  Can we all just try a little harder to take the person next to us in consideration?


I’m talking to myself as well today.  Today is the day that I will bite back that rude word, that negative thought, that bad opinion.  I will try to stop hurting with words, and I will rather try to find the right words, the right actions.  And if I really can’t find the right way to do it, I will rather keep quiet.


I will respect – even if I have to cringe inside….