Sunday, February 21, 2016

Books and 'make-believe'...

I'm back to reading like a crazy person...and it feels so good. To loose yourself in a world of 'make believes' and great stories. Stories that drag you into their worlds. Stories that make you laugh out loud and stories that makes you cry.

When you feel the book in your hands and smell it. With each page you turn the story unfolds into something beautiful. A world created by some person that have this awesome talent to string a few thousand words together to make it a story that takes you away on a journey with the characters and this unique, make-believe world.

Every word, sentence, paragraph and page is magical, fairytale-worthy.

You can forget about your worries and fears for a while and just live in someone else's imagination for a bit.

Well I love books...a lot. Can you tell?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Like we used to...

Ive been thinking about you. Its been more than a month since we talked...but it feels longer than that. I sit here and I wonder if I made the right decision to tell you how I felt. Well I still don't know the answer to that. And maybe I will never know...

I hope you are safe and happy. I hope you are feeling better. I hope life is treating you well...

If you were here I would tell you about this awesome series Im reading. I wiĺl tell you that you can read it because you don't have to wait for the other books because all of them are available. You will tell me that you are not really into young adult books anymore, that you are too busy with work. So i will tell you the story anyway.

I will tell you about my family and about our little boy and how good he is at school and athletics and how he is excited about rugby starting again.

I will tell you how my Mom drives me nuts some days and how my Sister is like a superhero at times.

I will make us coffee, no will make us coffee and we will sit on the stoep and talk for hours...

Like we used to. we used to...

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Books and great stories...

I missed reading...

Just finished book 2 of a trilogy, Sweet evil, Sweet peril and now i am looking forward to starting Sweet reckoning. One of the best trilogies i've read in a long time. It takes my mind to a happy place. Stupid that fantasy young adult books can have such a positive effect on someone. Stories that can make me hope more, believe more and dream more...

Like i said..i missed reading and spending an hour or so in a bookshop. I made a date with myself to go to a bookshop once a month and 'losing' myself in there. It feels good to be back. Hehehehe...i love the smell and feel of a book. I can't do the electronic thing. Its not the same, you know.

I sound like the Terminator..."I'll be back".... and i am...