Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 and other things....

I need to blog more often. There is so much emotional things happening in my life at the moment and all I can think about is how I am thankful and fearful at the same time.

I have this amazing sister and mother and a fearless seven year old nephew. The three people in my life that is truly a gift from God. I love them so much and unconditionally. As you know by now I have RA and it is not much fun to have it. It is sore and uncomfortable and it makes me feel half scared and depressed most of the time. For example...it is sometimes too sore to turn my car's key or to get up from a chair. Then comes along my awesome family and they help me up from that chair or help me get in the pool or whatever without batting an eye. No questions asked. I want to say thank you and I love you all....I pray that God will fix me and that He will keep His loving arms wrapped around us.

2014 was a tough year. With our little boy starting school. My Mom going on pension. My sister being unhappy at work and the ex that keep on throwing us with curf balls... but all in all the year is ending on a positive note. Its ending with hope, love and expectation.

I believe 2015 is going to start off great and end even better. Because with God on our side who can be against us!

Im going to go into remission. My family is going to prosper and be happy and successful. We are going to go from strength to strength and we are going to be great, together....

Thank you God!